how to roll sushi

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  1. I am one of the “well done” type of people and have stayed away from that type of food entirely. Have seen some alternatives using veggies instead of seafood or other raw things. I might would try those since they look cute. Well, Katie girl, made it through another Christmas and time to put away that beautiful Christmas scene until another year. We had chilly but awesome weather for kids to be outside enjoying whatever they got so that was nice. Here it is 10:17 and Linda and Rocky are still asleep but that’s OK. Have a wonderful Monday and I’ll catch up with you later.

  2. Hello! I just found your blog and I think it’s AMAZING! The pics are great and I can see that You really like what you do here! I love people with great ideas, like you!
    Your blog is inspiring! I will follow you!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. hi there my friend! wishing you a fabulous meatless monday : ) we are meatless everyday and LOVE it : ) i love to make my veggie sushi and it looks like you did very well! enjoy your time with your hubby and family! : ) if you would like a bit of meatless monday — we are serving spinach bread at the cottage today : )LOL!!! sending hugs and love to all!

  4. Um, no plans to buy it, make it, or eat it. My Daughter and son in law eat so much sushi, they have two sushi dishes named after them at their favorite sushi restaurant. I prefer down home cooking.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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