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  1. I think i can help you with you. Why not contact me so that we talk business..
    You can use my contact form in my blog. Hope you have a great day my sweet friend..xoxo

  2. The very next buy handmade crafts post I do I will place a banner ad for you. I don’t do many but the next one is all yours.

  3. Katherine I have added my main blog ‘News From Italy’ to your list and also signed up to receive your updates by email. It is such a shame that GFC is ceasing to exist. Google Plus as another way of keeping in touch I have found you there but it says you need to add me before I can add back!
    My blogs are not a moneymaking enterprise but I have happily added your button to my Badge Page, although it does not appear to be a clickable link? A reciprocal add would be appreciated of course. 🙂

  4. I don’t get much traffic, so it probably won’t help… but Keepsakes is in my sidebar.

    I didn’t use a button, I just created a link on your little Keepsake pic. Hope that’s okay.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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