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  1. It only took me 35 minutes to realize where I could click to leave a comment!!
    I’m so dense, I am lucky I’m on the computer at all. I would love to have a
    weekend with grandchildren, I’ve got to get my daughter and SIL to get with the
    program though! How nice for all of you. Hey, we had tacos last night!
    I see you have Toki’s photo on your blog roll, isn’t he big? You should see the
    puppy picture of him, he’s knocking people down now if he likes you he wants to jump on top of you!!

  2. What a great post Katharine!
    I am sorry that your lil’ heartwood creek angel had to take one for the team, but it was certainly worth her sacrifice. The kids are adorable. It looks like they had the time of their lives, and Grandma and Grandpa did too. You should consider linking up to A Rural Journal’s Your Sunday Best photo hop here- You are a really good photographer and the shot of Noah in the bubbles and goggles is out of this world cute.

  3. PRECIOUS post!! The number of my grandchildren will soon DOUBLE when my daughter gives birth to quadruplets in late spring (hopefully!) I am so looking forward to meeting them. YOUR grandchildren are adorable!

  4. haha That angel looks like she’s saying, “Whatever! It’s no big deal.” Looks like the kids have a ball at your house! Your photos are fantastic.

  5. well is sure did look like a GREAT time was had by all!!!! what a wonderful time you had and these kids are just precious!!!!! sending hugs to all my friend — you rock!

  6. Fun, fun, fun! I love the goggles for underwater adventure. I can see the newspaper pic even though you missed it.l We had one granddaughter sleep over last night. We played a game called fast track and then watched a Robin Hood BBC series (2 episodes) and played Solitare on the Ipad. I stitched on a bit of embroidery between Solitaire turns. Grnadies are the best! I grew up on Strawberry milk. Mom always bought it because we were not chocolate milk lovers. Sure hope the little lady can get put back together.

  7. There is no doubt about it. Staying at Grandma’s house is a wonderful thing! Looks like everyone had a good time and lots of fun!

    Happy weekend Katherine!
    xo Catherine

  8. This was so much fun, I know your grandkids had such a good time. We do enjoy our grands don’t we? Saw this on Heidi’s Country Homemaker Blog that she is allowing me to co host.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. What a lovely time you had with the grandchildren, and super photos for us to look at . Aren’t grandchildren the best thing in the world ?! Such blessings. Loved the “what happens …. ” quote at the beginning! Hugs my friend .

  10. You are NOT old enough to have grandkids! (Course … neither am I but I still have 6 of the little buggers!)

  11. I would not delete your photo! I love that shot.
    My meme has a theme, but it’s not required. The theme is so we can get creative with each other.Thanks so much for linking up.


  12. Hi Katherine, following you on the new Linky tool! I cannot figure out where you find the direct link to Linky at so I have been having to give my blog address and let everyone follow from the widget that is there underneath GFC. Thanks!

  13. This weekend it will be me doing the babysitting, again. I have my doubts there will be any picture-taking moments, since the baby keeps me hoppin’, and I can pretty much guarantee that capturing the moments would make a lousy photo… unless it was for a copy of a horror magazine… or, entered into the evidence file, when they burn me at the stake!

  14. Looks like a lot of fun at Grandma’s. Cookies look yummy. Sorry about the Jim Shore Angel. Hopefully it glued together for you.

  15. This is a fabulous post! It is awesome that your grandkids had such a great time and only one accident occurred! Have a great weekend sweet Kat!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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