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  1. Pingback: I Love Us Canvas
  2. hi there! just wanted to let you know that i am deleting the new linky follower tool from my side bar. Please make sure you are a follower of Fishtail Cottage using Google…(you can read about it here!)

  3. I have come to visit and post my link, and just wanted to give you a wink. I thank you for hosting your weekly hop, I enjoy your blog and wont stop, I will now continue to do the hop!! Your friend from @Oh! My Heartsie

  4. Thanks Katherine for checking out my bloggy, and inviting me to this blog hop! Hope everyone else has a chance to check it out to and subscribe! Thanks for reading,


  5. Thank you for the linky! Sorry for putting the wrong title on my linky picture. I must have just clicked the one that said linky from WW hopping. Hope you have a wonderful day and a great weekend!

  6. Good morning, Katherine. We’re having yucky weather — snow and sleet — in Northern NJ today, but your Favorite Things blog hop has brightened my day. All the best!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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