beef and broccoli

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  1. The linky is not my friend this week! 🙂 BUT, I am featuring this Beef and Broccoli this weekend! I love the colors!!! Perfect for Spring! Come take a look! xo, Becky

  2. Hi Katherine, I make a beef pepper steak that looks alot like this. Hubs and I love it. I’ll have to try this one for a change. Sounds easy and good!

  3. YUM! Thanks so much for linking up to the blog hop, Katherine! I trust you’re well… I’m keeping myself a little too busy these days. Hugs to you 🙂

  4. Oh this looks scrumptious. I will have to try it. Thanks for stopping by to my blog and yours is so pretty. I’m going to follow!

  5. Hi Katherin,,, was so nice of you to visit
    my blog and the sweet comments you
    left… I love your recipe but being one
    who does not eat meat,, I’ll have to omit
    the beef… will be a great stir-fry….
    Following you also…
    Happy Spring

  6. Beef and Broccoli is one of my fave dishes to eat when we go out. That and Chicken and broccoli so I’m thinking the “base” of this recipe would be great as that too. Thanks for sharing!!!

  7. Hiya Kathryn….
    Ohhh you have just decided my dinner tonight for me — we were just contemplating what to eat. Hahaaaa… Thx sweetie. Been out all weekend and celebrating mothers day, will be nice to sit home and eat home cooked, tasty, healthy food.
    Jennie. Xx

  8. I love beef & broccoli but I would have to leave out the “fungus’. Never have acquired a taste for that stuff. Have a happy Monday my sweet friend.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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