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  1. Hello sweet Katherine! How are you? Hope all is well.

    I came by to link up a couple of posts but it seems that the linky site is having problems and isn’t working. I might have to try again next week.

    Best wishes and happy weekend,
    Natasha in Oz

  2. Hi, I was invited to the party by Life Currents I know I’m late to the party but better late then never. I am following you on linky followers and Twitter. I do love your blog it is so pretty and a happy place to be. I love blogs like that. I host a shared party on Sundays @ If you have anything you would like to link up stop by.
    Hope to see you then.

  3. hi there my friend! how are you! i am so sorry i have been MIA a bit — just overextended!!! sending you tons of hugs and much love! me and mine!

  4. Pingback: Chestnut Hill, PA. photo shoot part {1} « House of Emery
  5. Hello and thanks so much for inviting me to participate in the blog hop. I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I’ve got to walk Miss Phoebe over for her groom but will be back soon to start visiting all the blogs. Looks like some great posts!
    Take care,

  6. Hi lovely lady.
    I hope you are having a wonderful day!! I also would like to thank you for hosting your linky party today so sweet of you.
    XXOO Diane

  7. This is my first week linking up. Thanks for sharing such a fun blog hop! I am following via G+. Can’t wait to follow your blog–you blog about so many things I love!

  8. Good Morning sweet friend. I’m beginning to look forward to Thursday’s! thank you for this wonderful blog hop and the opportunity to meet some wonderful writers, artists and faith filled bloggers. You are a blessing 🙂

    Hugs to you,

  9. Hi Katherine! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and following. I’m now your newest follower as well. I’ve also linked up to your link party ~ looks like lots of fun!


  10. New follower on Mr. Linky! Your blog is beautiful! I love the design and I am so glad to be following! Thank you for hosting the blog hop!

  11. Hi Katherine, I joined you blog hop today. I am over at word press now and trying to get word out. Thanks. I also added my blog to your blog list. Great idea. Have a great weekend.

  12. Pingback: Painting furniture
  13. Hi Katherine
    thanks so much for your lovely comment on my ruffle scarf, got me to visit you and discover your party! I have put you on my link party list and will come back every week :-). I am also following you back on linky and would love to co-host.
    have a wonderful day

  14. Hi Kath,
    Been awhile not visiting you. Am not sure what I am doing now §;-)
    However, I linked anyways, as I found out that this is just cute party.

    Hope you’ll have a great day.

  15. It seems like it has been a few weeks since I’ve been able to link up…I appreciate that you host such a wonderful party. Looking forward to the awesome links to peruse. Thanks,


Love each other as God loves you xo

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