thursday blog hop

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  1. Katherine, thank you for the invitation to link. I did and I’m now following on Linky Follower. It’d always fun to see such amazing ideas!

  2. Hi Kathrine: I received you message, and I did link up the Easy Towel Tute. I will be back tonight to look at some of the other links. Thank you for inviting me, and for being my new friend, cool. Have a great day.

  3. I put up our Club-Content feedback from our first Contest we held on Sunday. It is really cool to see honest, anonymous feedback to learn how you are doing with your blog posts.

  4. Hi Katherine! Thanks for hosting this hop! I would love to cohost one week. Sound like lots of fun. Just let me know the details when you have a moment.


  5. Thanks for hosting — I added you to my party list, sooo hard to keep up with all of them 🙂 Have a great day, Katherine! BTW. The cherry pie you linked up — YUMM!!!!

  6. Pingback: My Name is Yona Williams and I Write » Blog Archive » 25 Things About Me
  7. Hi Katherine.. I just love this blog hop as I get to share things that really matter to me….thanks so much for hosting and for the gentle reminder, too!

  8. I had to put my post up this morning because blogger didn’t see fit to do the automatic post- I had it set up for 3:01 AM and- zip. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Anyway, I did get it posted before 7:00 AM. Blogger is so annoying sometimes. 🙂 Thanks for letting me co-host! Have a great day!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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