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  1. Such a precious photo! The perspective is perfect for a little boy! See you tomorrow for the Blog Hop! Thankfully, I’m back to my regular blogging schedule 🙂

  2. Such a cutie! I have a nephew that’s 1 1/2 w/ blonde hair, too! =)

    Thanks so much for the return follow, nice to ‘meet’ ya!

  3. He’s so adorable! I bet you had a great time with them this weekend! 🙂
    ‘See’ you tomorrow on the hop!

  4. I could see he is so into his car. Actions really do speak louder than words. LOL. He is a cutie too. 🙂


    p.s. I found you through Lori’s blog at bleak2unique. I’m your newest linky follower! if you want you can linky follow me back at 🙂

  5. Your youngest grandson looks SO sweet, and look at that lovely blonde hair. I know we keep saying it, but we are blessed indeed my friend. Hugs. Lovely photo.

  6. Is he your grandson, Katie? Such a cute boy! When I was his age I had model cars and trucks and loved to put my face to the floor in that manner so that they would loom larger in front of me. The world of pretend is important. Never lose your imagination.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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