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  1. Oh Katherine, how absolutely wonderful! I know you just love spoiling those babies and yes, being a grandmother it is your privilege. When I have grandchildren my children will surely cringe. 😉

    1. Hello Jessica, welcome!!!I enjoyed my visit to your sweet blog.
      Just click on the join button ( upper right sidebar) or register here at my blog ( bottom right sidebar) or follow in a reader ( right sidebar), easy peasy, hugs!

  2. Looks like so much fun, and totally made me miss my family back in Canada 🙁 I also wanted to thank you for becoming a follower of My Life As A Foreigner. Gaining new readers means so much to me, and inspires me to keep writing! I am off to check out your book list now…can’t wait.

  3. Katherine, it sounds like you’re a wonderful grandmother and everyone has fun at your house. My father’s mother was just like you and you’ve brought back such great memories for me of all of the fun we had at her house.

    Thank you for stopping by my kitchen and following along. It is my pleasure to meet you and I hope to get to know you better. I saw some Greek potatoes in your last post that looked fantastic, so I’m off to check them out now.

  4. Grandchildren are such a blessing! Those eggs are too gorgeous to touch the ground. (you should do them in wood so they will last FOREVER)

  5. Hi thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comments! Your Easter looked like a lot of fun and those Eggs are just gorgeous!! Our Easter was a lot of fun…but sadly my “big boys” are too old for Easter egg hunts but not quite at the grandmother stage yet either, so neither here nor there…sooo miss having a little one to do these things with though!! Thanks for sharing your special day with us!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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