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  1. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 2-3 to 2-7 on my blog. On Tuesday was Addiction Chocolate Cake. It tastes like a giant Ding Dong. Wednesday I featured a Banana Chocolate Chip Cake worthy of replacing any loaf style Banana Bread. Thursday I featured Slice of Heaven Cake. If you like caramel and snickers candy bars you need to grab this recipe. And winding up Cake Week I posted How to Pipe Frosting. It is part of my Tip Friday Series

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my “Love You More” Valentine printable! It’s much appreciated! This week, I shared for St. Patrick’s Day, #83. Thank you for hosting!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with MY VALENTINE’S DAY MIRROR (LOOKING-GLASS PROMPT) and I invite you to my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY 9 where I leave a comment and share all entries on social media if share option is available, open February 1 to 26.

  4. Hi Katie – Such lovely features again this week! I love everything Valentines! ❤️ I’m linked at #s 88, 89, & 92 today.

    I hope you’re doing well over there, and thank you so much for hosting this great party!

  5. Beautiful party and features, my friend! Great minds think alike! ❤️ Happy Valentines wishes to you, dear Katherine. xo

  6. Thank you for hosting such a lovely Valentine’s Day themed party, Katherine! This week I am sharing #58 Traditional Mexican Tamarind Treats. Have a great Valentine’s Day and week!

  7. Hi Katherine! Healthy desserts sounds too good to be true and too enticing not to click! I’m sharing inspiration at #32, 33 and 36 today and appreciate all the time and effort host on our behalf. Wishing you a blessed week flowing with the higher love we all seek: pure, unconditional, and healing. Peace to you, friend.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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