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  1. I love it…I put some chives and basil in my window box this year right under my kitchen window. It’s like…why didn’t I do this long ago!? I may try beans 🙂 I really like WW too…great idea. Talking is over rated 🙂 Have a great day Katie!

  2. I adore your herb garden. I just started my own today with basil and lemon verbana. I planted 3 lemon verbana last year and use it for tea. I am adding mint for tea and I found a chocolate mint that smells divine. Its so nice to have fresh herbs to cook with. Keep us updated on your progress!

  3. I love this little container herb garden! I’m so inspired to start my own. Thanks!

    Dropping by and following from the blog hop.

  4. I love how you put it right on the table. Great Idea! I have a small garden too, but I only planted basil for an herb. I am following you on pinterest and google now!

  5. I’m working on recreating my herb garden this spring . . . . used to have a gorgeous garden where we lived before, but it is taking some time to get back up to speed. Thanks for the inspiration! Here’s another WW hop you can link to if you would like:

    And Angela just started a WW hop on the Ruby blog if you would like to join us:
    Be back tomorrow and we’ll promote the Thursday blog hop in the Ruby community as well. See you soon, my dear friend ;o) BIG Hugs, Nina

  6. Nice, Katie! Our herb garden has struggled through the prolonged spring drought. Mrs. Shady keeps it watered and uses it often in her recipes. Happy WW to you, dear friend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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