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  1. Such great ideas!! Thanks for sharing! We appreciate you linking up to our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday.” We love seeing all of the great recipes and fun ideas! Hope to see you again next week! -The Sisters

  2. I love finding new uses for old things! The glove to open jars makes total sense! And its reusable! I put grommets in my gloves to hang them up. Perhaps you could put a grommet on your jar opener so that it is always handy!

  3. Hi Katie,
    What a great idea. I purchase a jar grip several years ago. Somehow I lost it. But I’d never have thought of creating one from the bazillion rubber gloves I toss because they have a hole in one of the fingers. 🙂

  4. Great innovation, Katherine! I added your Thursday linky list to my list of blog hops and hope to join in next week. I also found your page on FB. Thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!

  5. I bought a pedometer to wear on my walks in the park with my dog, but I keep forgetting it in the car!

  6. Taa Daa! Yes, I love those taa daa moments. But I not only lose my pedometer but I always forget it. I just get my feet moving before my brain. You have solved one of my pedometer issues now what about the other? Lol. Seriously, thanks for sharing this clever idea at Freedom Fridays.

  7. We try to repurpose things around this household, too….boy, do I need a pedometer! Great tip on making it stay put….now I just have to find a good one to purchase!! LOL

  8. So creative. I think I need to start using my pedometer to see how much I walk each day. Love your idea and it’s always nice to have help with those jars! We recycle in our house and the bin is twice as full as our trash bin. It feels good to recycle. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I recycle plastic containers and use them for paint… I have plastic containers out the wazoo! I save coffee containers for my son, to use for nuts and bolts and small stuff. Actually, I save and reuse everything… except food.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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