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  1. Katherine, it is so kind of you to feature all of us! I am so happy to be apart of your blogging community! Wishing you a very wonderful and restful Memorial day weekend friend!

    1. Hello my friend I was just talking about you. Hubby was asking me if you still visit. I told him how much I appreciate your visits and how guilty I feel sometime for not making it to your wonderful blog more often. Hugs my friend and you know you can always count on yummy recipes to try when you stop by for a visit.

  2. Good Afternoon Katherine, Thank you so much for your gift of 2 chocolate recipes. I adore chocolate…. that might sound a little extreme, but I really do, so your recipes will certainly be baked here in my kitchen.
    My husband love Tiramisu, but I have never baked it myself. He is certainly in for a treat.
    Again thank you.
    Best Wishes

Love each other as God loves you xo

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