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  1. Beautiful photos! I love lillies, especially Arum lillies – they’re one of my favourite flowers along with orchids. Looking forward to reading more of your blog and getting to know you x

  2. Hi,
    I just LOVE your Wordless Wednesday!! I’m usually reading ALL of my favorite blogs and they can become a bit overwhelming at times. I probably should unsubscribe to some of them…but which ones? That’s why I look forward to your Wednesday blog as it gives me a pleasant break from being blogged (excuse the pun) down with all the other ones and is like a cool drink of fresh water. Thanks so much for recognizing that blogs don’t have to be long or or wordy. As they say “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Warm Wishes, Sandy B

  3. Hi Katherine,
    Your lilies are beautiful. I have all orange day lilies with only three stargazer lilies.
    Have a great day.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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