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  1. What a talented little guy….doing yoga with you to support your fitness goals, gardening to improve your diet, even standing watch — so brave! He’s a cutie, for sure! 🙂

  2. Oh, he is way TOO CUTE!!….like most puppies! 🙂 Do you know what breed he is? Looks like he has some terrier and maybe schnauzer in him. I have 2 Chihuahuas and they’ve never been big ice-cube lovers, but when my green beans get ripe and I go out to pick, they beg for green beans. I kid you not. They love ’em!! Thanks for the update!!

    Ann @
    “Better joy in a cottage than sorrow in a palace” Spanish Proverb

  3. I just love Izzy updates! I have Little Bear and he is such a dear Pekingese! The two of them would be great pals, and Bear loves to eat veggies and fruit! Bear goes bananas for a bite of banana, too!

  4. HOW ADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORABLE is IZZY???? I can hardly stand it! that face!!!! that hair!!! those eyes!!!! (i am typing quietly so pops and basil don’t hear : ) He is as precious as precious can be and should be entered into a photography contest for sure!!! YEAH IZZY — we can be veggies together and i would never say eeewww!!!! you are just so cute — sending you tons and tons of hugs!!! thank you sooooooo much for sharing little Izzy with us!!! : ) can’t wait for the next update!!! : )

  5. That is the cutest puppy I’ve seen in a long, long time. What an adorable pet. I don’t think I could leave Izzy alone. We have Charlie and he is by my side nearly 24/7. He’s never gone for ice but he does sneak into the swimming pool about 5 times a day, summer or winter.

  6. Hi is such a cutie! Our previous dogs liked ice. We haven’t given Moses and Jacob any yet, so not sure about them. I bet they do. So far it seems that Jacob is wlling to try anyting…he is such a glutton! Moses is the finicky one.

  7. Izzy, what a cutie pie, posing for pictures and right at home in the lettuce. I’ve not tried giving ice to my dogs. I put it in the water and it melts down, but Lucy’s never taken a cube out to crunch on. If it was meat flavored or something like that, she’d probably glom onto it right away 🙂

  8. I just love seeing Izzy. He is so bright and attentive, just a spark of life. Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays. (my favorite is his yoga pose:)

  9. I love these new pictures of Izzy! What a fine puppy! I love that you are a dog person, Katie. Yes, my black Cocker Spaniel, Toto, loves to eat ice. On hot days here in Florida, and there are many all year ’round, she regards a bowl filled with crushed ice as a special treat. Toto is a meat and potatoes pooch, however, and not overly fond of fruits and veggies. That first picture of Izzy reminds me of Toto. She loves to climb on the sofa and sleep with her head resting on a pillow. It makes me very happy to know that you have Izzy and he has you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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