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  1. I won a Roomba vacuum and a year’s supply of Simply Green before I got married. I saved those cleaning products for my new home and I think we finally used them up last year.

    I’m not the luckiest person in the world, but it is nice to get a nice surprise once in a while.

  2. Congrats to Pamela!
    It is so much fun to win….I love to enter giveaways. It’s such a thrill to see that email pop up! I don’t enter as many as I used to, cos I’m so much busier at work! LOL

  3. Congratulations Pam.
    Hi Katie, I have entered a few giveaways over the past few years. I have won a couple of times. It is great fun to win isn’t it?
    Have a great day.

  4. Congratulations, Pamela!! Hi, Katie. Since, I started following blogs, I enter everything, too! In the past three weeks, I have won 2 great prizes. I was so excited. I won a great bath set and the other was a craft package that I can’t wait to receive. In the next weeks, I plan on having a Scentsy giveaway!! You will be the first to know about it. 🙂

    I finally got your button on my blog, too! YAY!! Thanks for your help, sweet friend. Have a wonderful Fourth!! HUGS

  5. I have tried to get into entering these types of things, but after a few attempts and never winning, I gave up. I guess it just wasn’t all that important to me in the long run. I definitely see some amazing stuff being offered in a giveaway though, congrats to Pamela! ~Hugs, xoxo

  6. Hi, Katie

    Congrats, Pamela! It’s always nice to win a prize. Happy 4th Katie and have fun in Nevada. Hugs,


  7. morning my friend! how are you! dropping by to say hi and to see how you are and of course the pup!!!! : ) tons of hugs coming your way. i am in the home of gambling state #2…Jersey…but have only been to AC to work at the marine mammal stranding center lol! just don’t have the “gambler” in me but i do a lot of what if I won the lottery…some day i will buy that ticket! : ) i will get one for you too! we have soooooo many here I don’t know how anyone keeps them straight! i am now going to the closet and get a fortune cookie…why is that???
    sending tons of hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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