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  1. What a beautiful combination. I love the contrast in the burlap and lace and that bottle is probably my fave. It is such a treat to drop by your blog. Today I am stopping by from Our Everyday Harvest blog hop. I hope everything in your online shops is straightened out. Please drop by and say hello if you can. Have a lovely weekend. 🙂

  2. Love pink – especially after 4 boys and 8 grandsons…..can use a little pink here. Have a Pinterest Board called “Pink It”….welcome to pin to it…

  3. I hope your internet issues are resolved soon! I know how frustrating that can be. In the meantime, don’t fret over visiting everyone…we understand! Love the still life 🙂 I don’t take time to appreciate the delicate things in life very often, but I enjoy seeing the results when others do!

  4. I love mixing styles and textures. Have had internet connection and YahBOOO problems for some time now, sigh.
    WHAT did we do before the internet?
    Happy Pink Saturday !

  5. Hi, Katherine! Wow. It was nice to see that you linked up to my new little linky party! I love your pearls vignette. How pretty is that? I love looking at pretty things, don’t you? Did you see that we finally got the Winter Fun Walk off the ground? It wasn’t so hard. We are thinking of doing a Spring Fun Walk also. Spring is such a wonderful time. So glad you linked up and hope you can link up again. Your friend, Linda

  6. Pretty!! I love burlap and lace together :)) Yesterday we were without power/internet for most of the day, which is not as bad as what you’ve been through, but stressful enough. Although I must say I was actually able to get some things done around the house that normally I wouldn’t get to because of blogging 😉

    Thanks for linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party 🙂


  7. Sounds like you have had a tough week! I hope that it gets better and soon. Some time life send you lemons and you have to make lemonade. Ha

  8. Just absolutely beautiful Katherine and am with you on sometimes wanting to be a bit girly with lace. I am so thankful to have little girls to dress up now, too!! 🙂 🙂

  9. I love these photos! Beautiful pictures and lovely lace! I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with LOTS of online sales. 🙂

  10. Hi Katherine. You have indeed had a rough week with the computer. These photos are really pretty and romantic for Valentine’s day. I hope your computer issues are worked out soon. Blessings, Pamela

Love each other as God loves you xo

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