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  1. Hi!! New follower here, I found you on the UBP13! Your blog is absolutely amazing! I am a new blogger and hope you can come by and follow me

  2. Hi Katherine, I am so glad you are sharing your beautiful daf’s they are very pretty. I dont have them in my yard, I need to plant some in the fall. I live in the desert and so I am still experimenting with what grows best, however, I just got a greenhouse to help me year round, new hobby and hope I can do better with growing vegetables for salads. I am really excited to see new seeds growing, actually I peaked this morning and see wheat grass sprouting. Anyway, hope you can stop by Oh! My Heartsie WW w/Linky
    Hugs!! Karren

  3. Trivia for ya- Daffodils are also called Narcissus, and the old name for them was Asphodel!
    Have a nice weekend and thx for visiting my blog!

  4. Hi Katie!!!!

    FLOWERS….They always put you in a happy mood. Flowers say look, life. Come and see me
    and smell the beautiful fragrance I put out.

    I love fresh flowers in the house!!

    Thank you for sharing your flowers!!


  5. we all need time away. I had my time and now its back to writing. however I still have days when there’s zilch for writing because I am knitting. got to finish that dish cloth!

  6. Unfortunately, living on the prairies we do not have much of a spring. By the time the snow has melted it is well past daffodil season.

    When I lived in the UK the site of thousands and thousands of blooming daffodils where the bulbs are planted in the motorway grass embankments was always a thrill. Some wild daffodils can be found in the woodlands along with carpets of bluebells!

    Yeah I too am daft about daffs 🙂

  7. Heehee! I”m daffy for daffodils, too! Love how cheerful they look…..and making memories is way more important than all of us bloggers, my dear! Enjoy those precious times and don’t feel bad about it! 🙂

  8. This is beautiful – I love daffodils. Every year I think I’ll plant them and every year I forget… so I pick up a few bundles from our local grocery store.

  9. I am sorry to say our daffodils did not bloom. Green foliage only. I am told we didn’t get cold enough…no frost this year. I did enjoy looking at yours. Thanks for sharing.
    xo Ginger

  10. How beautiful Katherine and cannot wait for all the flowers and trees to bloom here in NY. Hopefully soon, but it still needs to warm up a bit. But just loved seeing your daffodil pictures and thanks for sharing here!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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