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  1. I love the poem. šŸ™‚

    I’m sorry to hear you were having blog hop trouble yesterday, but glad to hear it wasn’t just me. I saw a bunch of names listed and thought my computer was just acting kooky. šŸ™‚

  2. I love the poem and the imagery. Life is all centered around the family. That’s the way our Heavenly Father designed it. The design is perfect if we would just adhere to the plan. We have fallen away from family. Work, play, social activities (good and bad) have taken us away from the one – true thing in our life. The stability of everything.

    Cause, boy when it crumbles, the whole world crumbles around you. Am I right? When your family falls apart (divorce especially), can you concentrate at work? Everything falters. If we would just spend more time at the family table, playing games with family, reading with family…spending time together. You would see – the amount of peace and tranquility of the household – would go way up.

    The center of the donut is family. It’s love. It’s devotion. It’s the love of our children. There is nothing else. Money, girls/boys, extracurricular activities – they all come and go. But the love we share – it transcends space and time.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Love your post! =)
    Your photo is so pretty – love the pink donut with the milk and pretty straw!

    I have love and hugs in the middle of my Donut! =)

  4. It’s been a crazy week – thanks for doing all the things that you do do so well! Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Pingback: OOTD – FRI-YAY!!!! | Fashion and Fun after Fifty
  6. I know inlinkz was having issues yesterday and so true about life being like a donut, though!! Thanks as always for hosting and hoping you have a wonderful weekend, Katie!! šŸ™‚

Love each other as God loves you xo

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