simple strawberry trifle

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  1. What a perfectly delightful and beautiful way to present strawberry trifles! Love your creativity and eye for beauty Katherine!


  2. That looks so delicious! I love strawberries. I just wanted to extend an invitation to enter two giveaways I have going on at the blog. You can find them via the nav. bar is not on the side bar. Thanks for dropping by recently. xo Theresa @

  3. Yum! I love these. I’ve never though of making them smaller and individual sized. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to pull out this little gem during entertaining cookouts. I love fresh strawberries!

  4. Oh I love strawberries too and this looks delicious. I am so going to have to try this one soon. Thanks so much Katie for sharing and Happy Monday!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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