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  1. Hi Katherine,

    I have a good sized garden, but have never tried onions. I should, I eat them in everything. I didn’t realize they were so easy. We grow a lot of squash, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc. I’m new here at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. Thank you for hosting. Kim

  2. Oh my – we grow a ton of onions! I usually wait until most have flopped over, then knock the rest of the greens down gently with a rake and let them sit a day or two before I pull them and dry them on racks, which can only be done when there’s going to be several rain-free days (I’m always crossing fingers that the forecasters have it right!)

  3. I actually do have onions growing in my garden, but we just planted them this year and I had no idea when to tell when they were ready to be pulled. We just dug up 13 potatos from our garden over the weekend and were so excited about it. Last week we pulled up an onion, but it was not ready at all. I just assume onions need a bit longer. Thanks for this post. The photos are beautiful!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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