ambrosia corn

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  1. Hi Katherine! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. We always enjoy visiting Utah- spent a lot of time in Moab and surrounding areas. My husband is retired LAFD captain and we are used to lots of brush fires here in SoCal. Izzy looks like a sweetie- we have a golden- Cooper and a black lab- Kanan. Enjoy the week ahead!

  2. If you enjoy visiting linkies, photo challenges, and blog hops – or if you host one of your own – please consider visiting here:
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    And while you’re at it, stop by my weekly hop, Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday, to share your photos, and feel free to share my button… you’ll find the code on my sidebar.

  3. It’s been a few weeks for me to hit one of our many local farmers markets. We have such a great garden right at home, that I often don’t need to leave. I visited Idaho once and it was so memorable. Your photos make that summer Idaho feeling really come alive.

  4. Hi Katie

    We have an amazing little farmers market right in town here every Saturday morning. Hubby and I walk there most weekends to pick up local produce that I don’t grow in the garden (corn, pickling cucumbers, etc.) Most of the vendors are local Mennonites who grow organically, so that’s an added bonus. Nothing like fresh corn on the cob at this time of year!!

  5. I haven’t seen a farmers market in many years. I don’t know of any that are close to me.

    Hate to see those fires… anywhere.

    Your last photo made me think of Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann! Cute!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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