list of five minute household chores

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  1. I don’t know about Denise but I need some good cleaning tips! so thanks. (sharon) Glad you linked up with us this week at the BeBetsy Brag About It.

    Sharon and Denise ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. I love the idea of boiling cinnamon sticks. Mmmm!!! My husband likes to do that and he likes to simmer spiced apple cider from Trader Joe’s on the stove. The hangers idea is also great! I could do that with kids’ stuff too.

  3. Hi, Hope your holiday was great! I clean my copper pots in five minute bursts. I will clean one after breakfast dishes…five minutes. If I am working toward getting them all done, one a morning for a week or so and I am finished and it didn’t see like a chore.

  4. I might possibly be able to put the dishes away in 5 minutes, but I can’t really think of anything else that wouldn’t require much more than 5 minutes.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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