pumpkin carving tips

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  1. Thanks for linking to Saturday Dishes, Katherine. Your .Cookie Clinic will be featured on Tumbleweed Contessa on Saturday. Drop by with some tailgating grub.

    Wishes for tasty dishes,
    Linda @. Tumbleweed Contessa

    1. I’m sort of out of it. I have new twin grandsons and did these when I should have gone to bed. Your Pumpkin Recipes will be featured. Thanks.

  2. I have a wonderful pumpkin soup recipe and pumpkin spice cupcakes. I went to a cooking demo at the state fair and she made black bean pumpkin soup, I can’t wait to make that one! Pumpkin is like a super food and I put it in my cat’s food sometimes to give them extra nutrients. The kittens will eat raw pumpkin, they absolutely love it!

  3. I thought that pumpkin was not very high on my likes list until my wonderful wife made individual pumpkin cheesecakes, they are truly scrumptious.

  4. YUM YUM YUM!!!!! Sorry I have been away for a bit…just moved to wordpress and getting use to it (a little bit : ) LOL!!!! Sending hugs to all and BIG BIG HUGS to Mr. IZZY!!!!!

  5. I love pumpkin….pies yes yes!! These look wonderful too, never had them!! Will have to give them a go sometime. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and your new week will be great too xx

Love each other as God loves you xo

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