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  1. Yes, yes and YES!!!! that’s the reason I’ve not been here for a while…. I escape to a Yoga class when all the plates are spinning too fast for even my own liking…
    I do love your seashell jar, I’m going to get one of these!
    Have a great week
    Wren x

  2. Katherine! I’m so impressed by your social media task list… it inspires me to do more for my shop, though as you said, it’s so challenging to find the time and energy. I like your solution of taking a moment to relax and meditate… and daydream 🙂

  3. I hop in the golf cart ride the quarter mile to the gazebo on the banks of the inter coastal waterway. I watch the sunset and count my blessings. Thankfully, most of my dreams have been fulfilled, even the one about having a granddaughter. She is nine months old, my next youngest, a grandson, is twenty-one years old.
    Life is good.

  4. Agree with the ocean. There isn’t much more relaxing than the sound of the waves. Run your businesses from the front porch of your cottage. That is the great thing about not being tied to an office!

  5. I haven’t had much time lately to breath, but when I do I dream of being on a beach. I can imagine the winds blowing the sheer curtains and living in a bathing suit. Of course, I also look like a super model in this dream. LOL!

  6. You sound about as busy as I have been lately and I had the girls off from pre-school on top of it all yesterday. But loved the breathing and daydreaming aspect to relax you. Do need to try this more, Katie!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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