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  1. Hi your newest follower thanks for following me♥ I love your change up yes just a few simple changes make the room different and I know it makes me happy too. Usually I put some new covers on my throw pillows and add the season decorations and its a new room. I do the same for my outside area a few new plants paint some pots add some pillows and its my haven to relax.
    Sincerely Rachel

  2. Love all of the changes you've revealed so far! Thank you for linking up to Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence!


  3. This area really did get lightened up, Katherine. It looks more airy and spring-like. I love your sweet little birds and that adorable bunny rabbit! Thanks for visiting my vintage vignette. 🙂
    ~ Sue

  4. Love your touches of spring~ so pretty! Adding greens in is wonderful! Thanks for sharing at FNF! 🙂

  5. I love your new, fresh Spring touches…I do the same thing Katherine, and my husband doesn't seem to mind a bit either! lol

  6. Hello fellow England born blogger! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment:) I am following you now!

    I think plants in the kitchen are a lovely addition, yours grow so well!

  7. Wow! It is amazing what a change that made in your beautiful kitchen. I love the rabbit. Such a sweet piece with a lovely story.

  8. Beautiful. I love green plants. They bring so much life to a room. I am in love with that carved rabbit. It is amazing. ~~Sherry~~

  9. Funny how just doing something small will make the house seem fresh again! New paint and a little change is fun! The birds are a special touch and look great there Katie!!

  10. Hi Katherine .. love the changes – and yes, we all need to go that route sometimes.

    Sparky's rabbit is beautiful ..lovely carving .. and wood .. wonderful to have those memories kept alive from the past ..

    Enjoy the weekend .. with a few greening lightening touches a-coming I feel .. Hilary

  11. Oh boy, I love following along with others, I have to start painting more walls in my house. I will share like you are. I have to stay tuned into your work.

    Love ya gal.

  12. So cute! You inspire me! Of course, I did push all the unopened mail from one end of the table to the other end this morning. Does that count as redecorating?

  13. I love that little rabbit as well, and it makes it so much more special that it was carved by Sparky's grandfather. Like you, I have been rearranging things recently. In the lounge and in the dining room, and it's so true, that just simple changes can really bring a room to life. It must be that time of the year – spring almost here 🙂 thankfully!

  14. Wonderful, wonderful Kitchen,
    mine in comparrison is not worth mentioning, living in rented accomodation one is not allowed to change things.

    Have a lovely week-end.

  15. I love changing it up as well
    ..and greens make my heart sing
    especially this time of year.
    I always wander back to greens.

  16. Let start out by saying that I love, love, love your work space in your kitchen. The lighter colors look awesome and things like the rabbit could never be replaced. I can't wait to see what's coming. Have a marvelous weekend & tell Sparky I think he is one lucky man.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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