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  1. Newest follower from BloggyMoms! I hope you’ll come by and say hello:

  2. Great kitchen makeovers, simple but effective. I have called by as you are my latest follower on BlogFrog for which I would like to thankyou. Do hope you will be able to visit the blog and share our little piece of Italy with us sometimes.

  3. Love the open airy feel of your kitchen, I am your newest follower and hope you will hop by my blog sometime and check it out! Have a fantasic Sunday!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog:) The stuff on the top of my kitchen cabinets collects dust that somehow sticks on with grease that must evaporate and rise up there. Yuck.

  5. I know first hand what a kitchen update can do for your life! Looks so nice! I appreciate your sweet comment on my blog too!

  6. Hi, I am a follower and changed over to follow you here.
    I am giving away a copy of a book about contentment on my blog today; you are invited to visit.

  7. Hi there, Katherine! Thought I would stop by for a visit and see what you’ve been up to. I like all the bright and cheery changes you’ve made to your kitchen for spring. I STILL have not changed out my decorations from winter. I’m spending so much time outside enjoying the natural spring decorations now that I don’t give much thought to those inside. 😉

    Have you found anything wonderful for your CSN giveaway win yet? I hope you’re able to find something totally delightful.

    By the way, I just joined you here and on BlogFrog.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  8. Love the changes…..I need to do the very same….move things and declutter!!!

    Wishing you a great one…thanks for stopping by my Blog!!!! 🙂

  9. Hi! I’m now following you via the Weekend blog hop –
    Your spring touches look wonderful! What a pretty kitchen! If my kitchen looked like yours…maybe I’d cook more 😉 haha
    Did you recently switch from Blogger to WordPress? If so, what were your main reasons for the switch? Just curious to know what you like better about WordPress. I hear more and more bloggers switching to it. I’m considering it myself but just need to do a little more looking into it. And hearing other’s opinions/experiences helps a lot 🙂
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Katie – Yes, I found your new location! I wanted you to know that your kitchen cabinets look very similar to the ones I had installed in my own kitchen recently. I love green and the dashes of green, white and other colors look marvelous in your kitchen! Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  11. Hi Katherine. Thanks for visitng me today! Yes, I have been here and have been looking around but wasn’t able to find the comment button. I finally found it. Love the spring accents in the kitchen. Green always makes for a happy kitchen!

  12. Nice decor! I love it. Your kitchen is designed similar to mine. On the left side of our fridge is my coffee bar, but on the right instead of counter space we have a pantry. Very nice. I wish we had granite counter tops though. Re-following. Thanks for stopping by this morning!!

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

  13. Katherine, Thank you for visiting my blog and introducing me to yours! It is very inspirational and I look forward to following you and watching all the great things you will share. I am your newest follower.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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