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  1. This looks wonderful- I love asparagus! I’ll have to give the recipe to my mom, as there is a much better chance at her making it in the next 6 months than I…I don’t cook much. 🙂

  2. I LOVE asparagus in anything. We consume quite a bit of it in our house. I can’t wait to try your soup recipe!

  3. Hi from your newest follower. Wonderful Blog you have. When you get the time please check out my blog and return the follow. I am going to be having AWSOME giveaways all throughout the year. Also PLEASE consider buying one of my cookbooks as it is our ONLY Income and if you have ANY Suggestions on how to get them to start selling PLEASE email me you idea’s.

    Thank You and Many Blessings to you and yours,

    Connie C

  4. The soup sounds and looks very good to me and your table setting is so stylish and classy!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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