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  1. What a fun blog. Thanks for connecting with me. I like how you wrote about needing to make a few changes now and then in your home to spark your creativity. That recipe also looks yummy.

  2. Thank you so very much for stopping my little blog today. Your website it great as I am sure you are told everyday. I'll be stopping by!

    I have no idea what Edamame is.

  3. Katherine,

    I am now following you too! Thank you for your sweet comments.

    I love to cook. I see you have posted fantastic recipes. I’m going to enjoy stopping by and so will my family. Yum!


  4. this looks so yummy, but i would have to drug my hubs and kids before they would willingly put peas in the mouths!

    maybe i'll just tuck this recipe away for myself to enjoy…;)

    thanks for sharing!


    stuff and nonsense

Love each other as God loves you xo

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