how to make a yarn angel

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  1. I made one of the hats this evening and I’m still trying to make the yarn angel doll, I’m doing something wrong but will keep trying to figure it out as i want to make some for Christmas and maybe some to put on my tree. will come back to let you know if I get the angel yarn doll made. 🙂
    Reta from Nova Scotia Canada

    1. Thank you for sending the photos. They are both lovely! So happy you made them. I used to put the angels on our Christmas tree. Now I tie them to presents, especially for our grandchildren Thank you for being a Katherines Corner bloggy friend. Hugs!

  2. I never made the yarn dolls, but I had a little Raggedy Andy doll made like the Christmas Angel. Actually, I still have him … 70 years after I got him. Now I think I will make some for my granddaughters.

  3. I will definitely try the angel for the 2 little girls in my family, my daughter and niece.
    Thanks Katie, they look very cute and elegant.


  4. We used to do the dolls in red yarn. As kids, we loved making them and putting on packages and the tree. I like your wings and halo add-ons. I need to check my yarn stash!

  5. I will definitely be sharing this with my granddaughters! I used to make these along time ago and forgot how so now I can share this project. Thank you!!

  6. These look so very easy and something I couldn’t even mess up (craft challenged sometimes here that I am). But seriously thanks for sharing and totally would love to try. Have a great weekend now!! 🙂

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