banana nut muffins

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      1. Lol … I measured out 1 tsp and thought … Hmmm so I decided to add just a 1/2 tsp salt. They were still wonderful. Thank you for the wonderful recipe and the reply back. Will make thes again.

  1. Banana Nut bread, muffins…cake…doesn’t matter…one of my favs! Add in walnuts or pecans & it becomes a bit of heaven. Thanks for the recipe Big hugs to you…

  2. I love banana and I am absolutely nuts about the nuts, hehe 🙂 Delicious treats, I would have them anytime, because around here, in my family, calories never count 🙂

    Have a beautiful week, Katie.

  3. Anything with banana seems always right! Have a watery mouth now, thank you for share this and get ready for the celebration. Hope not to early to wish you Happy Thanksgiving to you and your entire fam. Warmest hugs.

  4. Yum!! I remember making these as a child…they smell amazing. A perfect way to go throughout the day, I love them best when they are warm :))) Have a gorgeous day doll xx

Love each other as God loves you xo

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