time management

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  1. Pingback: What Can Time Management Do To Our Personal Life? | Henry Hoe - The Social Entrepreneur
  2. That is a brilliant idea, Katie! I am a mess at time management, I could definitely do better on that aspect.
    Happy New Year and all the best for you and loved ones!

  3. I have a new 2014 planner and have high hopes for learning a little more on how to use my time wisely where my blog is concerned. I think prayer is helpful also in keeping things in perspective. Katherine – wishing you a blessed 2014. So glad to have met you in 2013.

  4. This is a super thing doll, I plan on being more organized and do more stuff than always blogging and getting behind with other things I should be doing. I hoe you have a marvellous New Year, may it be filled with love, happiness and great fun!! Many blessings to you xx

  5. It looks like all of us are wanting the same thing. I’m working on trying to organize my time, life and blog so that I can enjoy them all and be better at them all. Thanks for sharing your advise and calendar, it’s all great inspiration.
    Happy New Year my friend.

  6. Thanks for sharing! I find that in my life and with my clients, it’s prioritizing that can be a challenge when we have so many goals! The trick is to ask ourselves a filter question, “What will get me closer to achieving this goal?” Thanks for this post! I love these tools!
    Have a wonderful 2014!
    Amita Patel

  7. Good luck with this management plan, it looks great. I work outside of the house with a daily 3 hour commute so there is no way for me to have such a calendar…most times I am flying by the seat of my pants and constantly tossing and turning at night trying to shut down my mind! Happy New Year and am looking forward to another prosperous year!

  8. Happy New Year Katherine! This is a great chart and I definetely need to have better time manegment! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  9. That last sentence says it all. I too am trying to get better time management and balance with blogging and designing now, too. I love both, but they are truly taking up a good chunk of my day and night. So, I can so relate to your post today. Happy New Year and here is to us managing our time better now in 2014! 🙂

  10. Hi Katie, Time management is such a problem for me. I tell people that being a grandmother is a lot like being a doctor on call…you just never know when the calls come in. Social Media is so intimidating, but I have learned to concentrate on the blog and if I don’t PIN, or Instagram, or anything else…that will just have to be OK. I cannot do it all and some of these media selections are so time consuming. Thanks for your always helpful advice.

  11. This is a wonderful article that I so need in my life. I am all over the place. I am a great organizer but I need to re evaluate my time spent on things. Thanks for posting this. Happy New Year to you and yours. Hugs Echo 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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