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  1. Hi, thanks for the great giveaway. I really hope I can win this one for a nice camera and trip to Alume. 😉

  2. I would use this towards upgrading horse fencing… badly needed at this point. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  3. It’s so great to be co-hosting this Giveaway with you!
    PS – I checked to make sure that I’m following you in all ways & I am 🙂

  4. Pingback: Giveaways Mom | $850 PayPal Cash
  5. Great to be working with you as part of Angel’s anniversary!! Newest follower!!

    Just to let you know signups are open for a big cash giveaway I am putting together… let me know if you might be interested!

    Laura @ Mice In The Kitchen

  6. Hi Kathrine,
    What a wonderful thing to do, pity I can’t enter no paypal account, hubby does not like things like that, but I think he will have to get used to it, if I get to start selling our things.
    I have let everyone I know, know about it though so I hope that you all have a great time.
    I hope that you have a fantastic day.
    Love and best wishes.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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