valentine crafts

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  1. What an absolutely adorable idea! I’m not big on decorating for Valentine’s Day…but if I were this would definitely be something I would try. Could make for a fantastic Birthday celebration garland alternative though.

  2. Those are nice!! My grandma was a big sewer/crafter too. I caught her sewing bug, but never did get good at crafting and knitting (though I’ve tried my hand readily with both). Happy to meet you here!

  3. Year ago, I cut out hearts of red and pink, punched a hole with hole puncher on each side, then tied the hearts together with ribbon. It was simple and easy. We still use it every year. It’s a bit faded since I used construction paper, but it will be put up in a few weeks.

  4. This is a lovely tips. Over here we are still preparing for Chinese new Year. Gonna be a great valentine day coz it will coincide with Chinese Valentine day too

Love each other as God loves you xo

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