heart pancakes

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  1. I love that you make “shapes” pancakes! My daughter, now in her 30’s, has the most wonderful memories of her grandpa (my dad, who passed away at the age of 66) making pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Sometimes the simplest things make for incredible memories.

  2. YUM! So my kids and I were talking about how pancakes are so yummy but get stuck in your throat as you eat ten. I’m hoping the trick with allowing the mixture sit as well as this recipe will make a huge difference, can’t wait to try. Pinned!

  3. Love pancakes since a child, lots of syrup and butter :)) My husband makes amazing pancakes :))) Thank you very much for letting me put my giveaway on your page for them, so very kind of you!! I hope you are having a great week so far :)) xox

  4. Hi Kathrine (one of my very favorite names), I’m Yvonne @ StoneGable.. You have a glorious blog. I’ve been lost in it for quite awhile now! What beautiful pictures you take! I’m so happy you featured Suzanne and her tower of wonderful pancakes! Suzanne, like you, has a blog I love to visit! Now I’m very hungry for pancakes… and need to get a tovolo. How fun! Thanks for sharing your inspiration today!

  5. Hi, Katie! I have a weakness for fluffy round pancakes and the stack pictured here makes my mouth water. When I was a boy, Sunday was pancake day. My mother took the day off and my dad did the cooking. Like the best short order cook at a diner, Dad stood over his griddle producing pancakes, sausages and scrambled eggs faster than we could eat them. Thanks for stirring fond memories, dear friend!

  6. Oofles, these look amazing! My little man’s birthday is coming up maybe we’ll be starting a new tradition! I like that you gave the lowdown on what you do while the batter is working; I often find myself continuing to cook while everyone else is eating and it’s so frustrating, I will remember this! Thanks!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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