national strawberry day

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  1. What a great tip! My name is Misty, and I am one of the guest hosts this week for the Merry Monday’s #7 Linky Party! I wanted to stop by, check out this awesome post, and thank you for linking up! Also, I will be retweeting this as well! I agree with you on how awesome strawberries are as I grew up in two towns, both of which hosted Strawberry Festivals!

  2. I had no idea that there was a special day for strawberries! I love your photo of the strawberries spilling out of the colander! Happy Father’s Day to your sweetie! And yes, Katie, please count me in for your next giveaway. I’ll message you dear!

  3. We loooove strawberries here, your recipes look decadent!! I think the Triffle would be a hit. I just pinned all three to my Berry Dessert Board!!! And I Tweeted out and G+ your post!! Enjoy your weekend!! Happy Day to all Fathers in your family!!!

  4. National Strawberry Day? Yes, who knew, but how great! I too love strawberries and the strawberry jam cake looks divine…Have a wonderful weekend! Aloha, Lori

Love each other as God loves you xo

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