Thursday Favorite Things blog hop 165

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  1. Pingback: Rhinebeck (NY) Sheep and Wool Festival | My Blog
  2. Pumpkin scones, soup and doll houses? Lots to see! THANKS for hosting. I TOO love cooler weather. HURRAH for 65! In So California we get the bulk of our summer heat in August through October…ick. We’ve been in the 90+ for weeks. Today it was 79 and I was thrilled- especially since we hope to have rain this weekend. 🙂

  3. I love the cooler temps too, Katherine, but it’s 44 degrees here today-and that’s a bit TOO chilly for me! Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Hi Katherine, you always have such an awesome page! I so look forward to being able to come share my projects with you! So here’s a shocker, I changes the look of my blog! ugh!! I really hope you like it. Please let me know what you think, I truly value your opinion. Thanks for hosting today.

  5. I’m like you Katherine I love the cooler weather too around 36-38, we’ve had snow twice this week and freezing rain! I hope we get more snow myself, I know many will think me mad but cooler is better for me!
    I just hope that the ice either melts or we have more snow so that it will be safe for ghouls, goblins and heroes on Halloween because we all know the little children(in all of us) love this holiday. We are having a Monster Mash with lots of fun for seniors, with bloody finger cookies, spider deviled eggs, blood punch with worms in it(gummy ones) you get the idea.. lots of fun, games and singing Boo Boo!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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