make it monday week thirty five

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    1. Good morning Lia, it was my pleasure to feature your lovely towels. I have been a fan of your blog for a long time and appreciate your participation at Katherines Corner. Wishing you a beautiful day ahead. Hugs

  1. Been more than a year not active on my blog, but I am still visitting your blog and a fans of it as always! You have always endless new fresh ideas and great recipes to share to.
    Thanks for what you did, hope you have another success new Year of 2015,
    Have a HAPPY wonderfull Monday Katie! hugs

  2. Stopped by Thursday party but it was closed! Discovered this great post and love all the outfits especially the tape measure one. Thats a WOW statement at any party.Will try to get to you party earlier next time 🙂 Hugs Maria

Love each other as God loves you xo

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