greatest snow on earth

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  1. Super yummy recipes! Everything looks so amazing. Pinned and tweeted. We love to party with you, so I hope to see you tonight at 7 pm.. Have an amazing day! Lou Lou Girls

  2. We always say all we do is eat when it snows! All these ideas look amazing!! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!

  3. love all these recipe, i’m really thinking of become a semi veggitarian only so much healthier, i love the broccali shitake recipe.. thanks for sharing at Fab Friday

  4. I will take some tummy warming recipes… I’ve had 2+ feet of snow on my patio for so long that I can’t even open the door to let the dog out the back (it has frozen into a solid mound). Yesterday it was -3 when I woke up, which is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. I’m thinking we won’t get spring flowers until June. But what can you do? At least the sun is doing what it is supposed to do and staying out a bit longer!

  5. Here in Oklahoma we have had really nice weather which has prompted little buds to push out on a few trees. Then wham! Temps dropped and we have had two snow storms. I knew we would pay for that awesome weather.

    1. Awww that is miserable. I am fearing that will happen here too. Maybe our grandchildren will be hunting for Easter eggs in the snow…I noticed my tulips were shooting up through the ground today. But we are expecting a dip in temperature tonight ( sad face) xo

  6. Hi Katherine, It is getting a little worrisome that we don’t have the snow we need. I especially like winter and I feel a little cheated that we didn’t get much snow. Thanx for the great soup recipes. Hugs Jo

  7. We have a heat wave of 7 F today, whoohooo! Snow is not melting just yet and spring tweeted “see you in May!” lol. Enjoy your spring-like weather and thanks for those hearty recipes. Mwah

Love each other as God loves you xo

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