fun with four giveaway

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  1. My first choice would be the PayPal because I’m trying to pay off vet and auto repair bills eight now. Amazon would be a close second because I get necessities there that I can’t get in my small town.

  2. I would choose the paypal cash so i can shop at different places for clothes and shoes.Entered giveaway as Shakeia Rieux

  3. I would love to win the $15.09 paypal prize pack, which is the first of the 4 prizes. Ever since I had to stop working and go on disability, I have had an impossible time paying bills, so I would love to win the $150.00 paypal prize.

  4. If I’m lucky enough to win, I’d really want the $150 Paypal prize. I lost my sweet, deaf hound girl, Ran, back in April (she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder the beginning of the year). I’m wanting to adopt another dog and this would be just what I need for the adoption fee.

  5. I would love to win the $150 Paypal because it would help me out with some bills. Congrats on your Anniversary!

  6. All four prize packs are awesome, but I’d like to win the PayPal cash most of all; it sure would come in handy for all the shopping I need to do for my niece’s and nephews’ upcoming birthdays!

  7. hi, the only prize pack i’m not eligible for is the ‘ad space’ prize…i don’t have a blog yet. but any of the other prizes would suit me fine. i know how hard it is to win, i’d feel blessed to win anything.

  8. I would love to win either paypal or amazon because I am the Mom to 4 girls who are always in need of something

  9. I would love to win the Amazon gift card because I could use it for my husband’s anniversary gift.

  10. Cash is always good to win!!! However, I really need the deer repellent because they are eating up my garden!!! I also need the mosquito mist for the beer garden at my beer bar in Whiskey Flats Texas, so my customers don’t get chewed up 😀

  11. Following the theme, I would LOVE the $150 paypal prize pack because I’m trying to catch up this month on some bills and that would really help out!

  12. I would love to win the $150 Paypal cash because then I could buy every person in my small family a gift. Wouldn’t that be great?!? I think so. 🙂

  13. All the prizes are great, but either the paypal or Amazon prize would allow me to help my daughter with the decorating of her new home! Thank you and congratulations on 4 fabulous years!!

  14. Thank you for this fantastic giveaway! I would love to win the $150 paypal cash. It would be so nice to treat my family to a day at Dorney or Hershey Park this summer.

  15. The reason I’d like to win one of those prizes is that I don’t need “ad space” and the other prize packs have this “ad space” which is just wasted on me then. Thanks

  16. I ould pick the $150 mPaypal because it’s always good to have extra cash just in case of a need for a gift and my son’s b day is in Aug!

  17. Congrats on your 4th anniversary and also your 4th contest for June. I really want to win the Paypal or the Amazon prizes. It would help with things for the house and the yard and I could buy some nice things for my dad. Would be so good to win something! Thank you and everyone for all that you do!!

  18. Congratulations on your 4th blogaversary and your 4th giveaway of the month, I would love the Paypal or the Amazon gift prize to help with household bills for children’s clothes or bills it sure would be a great prize to win, thanks Katherine and all the rest of you ladies and gents 😀

  19. Cash or Amazon would help me. I have no blog. I could buy some of the things around here I have been putting off.

  20. I’d love to win the Amazon or Paypal gifts because it seems like you can get just about anything using either method and we are always out of just about everything! It would help with lots of our expenses.

  21. How cool that this happens to be your 4th Giveaway this month! – It really is a perfect title!
    Thank you so much for cohosting & helping me celebrate my 4th Blogiversary!
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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