between the lines blog series week four

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  1. I am so glad I found your blog! As a 55 year old woman, I am thrilled to find so many “like minded” folks!! I am at yelobrd777and simply love to encourage others! Thanks again!

  2. Another great group of bloggers for me to follow! I’m glad that I was able to find them through your wonderful blog, Katherine!

  3. AH, I love it! So glad to have found this series! I have been on a blog break and am back and so happy to see so many bloggers over 50 (as I am one also!) At my next birthday, I’ll be crossing over to the decade that starts with a 6, in fact! Looking forward to reading more, (and I’m SO GLAD to be blogging again!)

  4. This is such a fun series! When I started, I kept feeling like there were only 2 or 3 bloggers in our age group. I keep up with Facebook regularly. Once I reconnected with old high school friends, it’s been fun to see what everyone is doing!

  5. This is a great series! I read Nicole’s blog regularly and have come across some of the others but not all. It was very nice to get to know everyone a little, and I look forward to checking out the blogs!

  6. Well I would have never guessed that you were 55! This is such a great series getting to know other bloggers in my age range. I myself am approaching 57 this summer. I’ve been blogging since 2008, i’m a Wig Designer and make wigs for women who suffer from hair loss due to cancer or alopecia, I actually have two blogs, one for wigmaking and one for beauty which is my fav! Looking forward to more post!

  7. Its been so nice meeting so many of you and just beyond anything I’d expected. Thank you Katie for that fantastic idea. Nicole is lovely and one of the most pleasant fellow fashion bloggers I have connected with so far. xo Sabina

  8. Thank you Katie for the opportunity to be part of such a great series Between the Lines. It is a wonderful idea and I’m really enjoying meeting others who are taking on the world in midlife.

  9. Katherine, such a fun and interesting group of ladies that I will be visiting with! Thanks for sharing their talents! Instagram is my favorite social media! FB is a love/hate for me…so many rants and passive/aggressive behavior! Blessings, my friend!

  10. I’ve always been an avid supporter of debunking the myth of “age appropriate anything”, be it in terms of the clothes we wear or the activities we indulge in or the heights we strive for. And being no Pretty Young Thing myself, Katherine, I firmly believe in encouraging self love, and empowerment. In encouraging the belief that there’s nothing we can’t do 🙂 thank you, for starting this series, and shining the spotlight on some really accomplished, amazing women.

  11. HI Katie! I’m loving this series … I love meeting at the bloggers of a certain age such as myself. I’m sorry you had some drop-outs but I guess that happens. Life will always prevail.

  12. Katie, Once again I am enjoying all of the blogs being shared. Thank you so much for hosting this fun activity. I wanted to comment on Nicole’s blog “High Latitude Style,” but her comments were turned off. I thought I would mention this in case she is not aware. Thanks, and please tell her I liked her blog. Kathi

  13. I’m enjoying this series Katherine! Thank you ladies for being so open and sharing your spirits!
    I hope you have a great week!

  14. As always love getting to know more wonderful bloggers here with this series and thank you for sharing these awesome ladies with us today. Happy Tuesday now, Katie!! xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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