Between the Lines blog series week four
Between the Lines Blog Series week four-
Welcome to another week of “Between the Lines”, the blog series where I introduce bloggers age 50 and older you should be following! Unfortunately we had a few lovelies drop out last night and this morning. So, just in case anyone wonders why there are less bloggers on this week’s feature,.Please know that I created an “even Steven”, “fair n’ square” deal for everyone, but sometimes things happen.
Bloggers of every age know it is important to share and connect on social media. I enjoy pinterest, google plus and instagram is growing on me too. But, I have a love hate relationship with Facebook. Did you know the average age of the US facebook user is 25-34 * What are your thoughts on facebook and other social networking?
Are you ready to meet some more fabulous bloggers of a certain age?
The Between the Lines (pun intended) blog series features bloggers of a certain age who are making their mark in blog land.
A blog series can’t be successful unless everyone participates. I invite you to join me and tweet, pin , share and do all of the other goodies you can to spread the word of this valued, sometimes overlooked, group of tremendous bloggers. Then all you have to do is click on each of the blogs on the list below to discover their blogs and get to know just what a blogger of a certain age has to share. In the interest of full disclosure, as you know, I am a blogger age 55 and you can find out about me HERE.
Meet Bev, blogger at Choice Morsels- Bev shares her tasty tidbits on life including, recipes, faith , gardening and more. She has a true sense of whimsy and you are bound to leave with a smile.
Do you have blog posts stashed in case you get a bit of writers block?
No, I don’t. When I first started blogging, I made a point of choosing a schedule of topics for certain days that I would like writing about over the long haul and to write them in a such way it would be easy to keep up with. So I usually write on the spot, that day. Mondays are usually recipes. Wednesdays are garden photos. Thursdays are generally the most involved, since I participate in a blog writing prompt link-up group with topics like, “What were my favorite childhood books,” or “What was the last Pinterest pin I tried that failed,” etc.
Cat Person or Dog person? definitely a cat person. Not that I don’t like dogs. I grew up with dogs, but I prefer a cat. They don’t slobber. They don’t have to be walked or let outside to do their business. Cats can use a box inside. Cats are also more independent and less needy then dogs and they won’t eat your shoes when they’re bored. Most importantly, I like the soothing feel of a cats purr under my fingers. There’s something just therapeutic about that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
Meet Gail, blogger at Regailing –she shares or rather regales you, with proactive parenting tips and refashion fun. She has a fun tongue in cheek way about her. She is anew to blogging and I think she’ll continue on and make her mark in blog land.
Have you found “a comfort zone” your readers are used to? Or do you like to mix it up and keep them on their toes? My “thing” has been to regale on a particular topic of interest to parents and then to share about a recent sewing project, usually a refashioning of an old outfit. But as I am new to blogging and really don’t have so many followers yet, I wonder whether it would be more effective to separate the two. I would love to hear what you all think!
If you could go unplugged, no computer or cell phone, what would you miss most? I would go crazy being disconnected to my kids! I have one son heading to Israel soon,as he’s an archaeologist; I have a daughter in Guatemala doing medical missions; I have another daughter who is married and will have a baby in Sept.; and then a daughter in college. No computer or cell phone? You’d have to commit me to the Happy Farm!
Meet Lisa blogger at Hope Wells Library of Life- Lisa is a college librarian, passionate about research. She is preparing to shop her first novel to agents this year and has two other novels nearly finished.
Is it important to write for women of a certain age. Definitely! We are hidden away in the margins of the media. I’m pleased to see more books with women of a certain age these days, but they are still the minority. Our time of life is exciting! We are usually free of children, no matter how loved the still are, we may be reinvigorating a stale marriage or enjoying a new phase in a great marriage or off looking for a new mate. We tend to have enough accrued vacation time to actually go somewhere and may even have enough money to do so. We want to look good and feel like we look good. We want to be heard and taken seriously. Blogging is a big part of reaching our age group. We are the original Mommy bloggers, now all grown up! The downside of a certain age is loneliness. And job loss. And marriage loss–thru a late divorce or thru death of a spouse. While our children are on their own, more or less, our parents need us more than ever. It’s good to know others are going thru this. In another time support groups met in church basements to provide this. Today, we may not have time for that–we work, we help aged parents, we may be maintaining a big family home we can think of parting with. Blogs and social media are a God-send to women of a certain age who are lonely.
What is your favorite thing to do after a long day?After a long day, I like to curl up with a good book and a glass of ice tea. I love being at home more than I love being any place else! I’ve traveled and lived abroad, so I can truly say “East, West, home is best.”
Meet Lynne blogger at Lynne Cobb- Lynne is an avid reader and an accomplished newspaper journalist. She found comfort in blog friendships as she met with the demands of caring for her father with Alzeimers. What began as a “misery loves company” blog soon became a wonderful way of sharing Lynne is a published writer and was published in many publications as well as one of my favorite journals, Angels on Earth.
How often do you change your blog header? In the six years of blogging, I have only changed it twice.
What flower do you most look forward to seeing in the Spring? That’s a trick question, right? I love them all, but I would say tulips and lilacs are a tie!
Meet Nicole blogger at High Latitude Style– she is an over 40 (almost 50) fashion blogger. but not just any fashion blogger, a brilliant intellectual fashion blogger, she has two doctoral degrees, one in geophysics and one in meteorology. Wait until you see what she wore under her gown! High Latitude Style is an Alaska fashion blog with science bits for the stylish woman of a certain age.
Do you work on a desktop, or laptop computer, or are you on the go with a tablet? I have a little notebook that I use for my blog, being on social media, checking emails, browsing blogs, online shopping, and for writing my books. I wrote two science books one related to my research and one together with a colleague related to our teaching. At work, I use a desktop with two large screens for my research. I use a laptop for doing the class videos. I recently got into the flipped class paradigm. This teaching model puts the gathering of information and knowledge outside the classroom, i.e. the students read the book. In the classroom, the professor leads the applications (i.e. what the students used to do as homework). It permits to address individual difficulties in a more targeted way with less frustrations for the students. To ensure that the students come prepared to class they have to fill out a questionnaire that will be part of their grade. Furthermore, one student is randomly picked to present the major points of the material in 10 minutes. Of course, this is part of the grade too.
What is your favorite Summer time treat? I love sitting with my husband in the midnight sun. In Interior Alaska, May, June and July are quite warm, sometimes even hot. August is the rain season. I love when my husband invites me to brunch or dinner on the deck of one of our favorite restaurants on the Chena River. The view is wonderful as the Chena flows very slow in its lower part and curves at that places twice. Thus, the river looks like a lake. The deck faces North, i.e. you sit in the sun in the evening and you can sit in the shade in the heat of the (after)noon in some places of the deck. In the background you see the foothills of the White Mountains. The green and black of the birch/alder and spruce trees looks awesome against the royal blue sky. Some flat fair weather clouds (cumulus humilis) and seagulls provide white spots like a Bavarian flag. The place feels like an oasis in a desert of trees. You namely can reach the place by boot, water scooter, water plane, car, bike, canoes and kayaks. When sitting on the deck you can watch the ducks nesting on the other side of the river, people playing golf across the river, insects munching on the pollen of the beautiful flowers that grow on the upper parts of the deck. Between the flowers hidden loudspeakers play a music from the radio. It is such a nice romantic setting for date night out. I can’t wait.
Meet Sue blogger at Sizzling Toward Sixty- She helps and encourages women in midlife to believe that age is just a number and we can all learn to reach our full potential. Her positive and encouraging posts will include healthy ways to exercise, and eat well . She is an avid runner and plans to age gracefully .
Have you considered vlogging? You know, it was only a few days ago Katherine, that a friend suggested that Vlogging should be the next step in my blogging journey, so you asking me this question as well, makes me feel that the universe is trying to tell me something. I suppose vlogging is a natural progression in building relationships with your reader and it is certainly becoming a more popular medium for reaching out to your audience. They can actually see you as a ‘real’ person and you can really build a connection with people. It really is such a personal way of communicating.
I do think though that vlogging can be a little overwhelming. I mean, you are putting yourself out there and talking with others. Some of us are not as outgoing as others and we can express ourselves much better with the written word. There is always the fear of appearing foolish, or worrying what we look like or sound like and I suppose I’m in that category. BUT as someone who promotes the philosophy of continually challenging oneself and overcoming our fears, I should really give it a try – so watch this space!
Which do you prefer, a drive in movie, theater or at home? Well it depends on my mood but I do love the theater. I love the costumes, the excitement and anticipation before the curtain rises and the live performances. My favourite is musical theater, although I also love the ballet especially the classics such as Swan Lake which I never tire of seeing. There is just something magical about listening to the orchestra warming up and watching the artists at work – with no second takes! One of my favourite musicals was ‘Mamma Mia’ as I’m an ABBA tragic. My children took me to see it and even encouraged me to sing along – such a fun night which I won’t forget. Unfortunately, in Australia the drive-in has become almost non-existent as bigger, better and brighter home entertainment systems have become more popular, so I haven’t been for years.
It is a pleasure to highlight all of the lovely bloggers in the Between the Lines blog series .Get to know these fabulous bloggers and meet even more here every Tuesday for the next 8 weeks. Send a little comment love their way too. Comments are like hugs. At the end of the series all of the participants will ask me questions!
If you miss any of the bloggers of a certain age posts, you can catch up HERE
“BETWEEN THE LINES” a blog series created by Katherine from
Please visit this weeks Featured Bloggers by clicking on each blog in the list below ♥
I hope to see you all back here tomorrow night ( 7 pm MST) you can start linking your blog early for the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party.
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I spend more time on google plus then I do on facebook.
I found this link through Jodie. This is a wonderful idea and I will be following.
I am so glad I found your blog! As a 55 year old woman, I am thrilled to find so many “like minded” folks!! I am at yelobrd777and simply love to encourage others! Thanks again!
Another great group of bloggers for me to follow! I’m glad that I was able to find them through your wonderful blog, Katherine!
AH, I love it! So glad to have found this series! I have been on a blog break and am back and so happy to see so many bloggers over 50 (as I am one also!) At my next birthday, I’ll be crossing over to the decade that starts with a 6, in fact! Looking forward to reading more, (and I’m SO GLAD to be blogging again!)
What a great idea for a series! I’m looking forward to checking out all these wonderful blogs!
This is such a fun series! When I started, I kept feeling like there were only 2 or 3 bloggers in our age group. I keep up with Facebook regularly. Once I reconnected with old high school friends, it’s been fun to see what everyone is doing!
This is a great series! I read Nicole’s blog regularly and have come across some of the others but not all. It was very nice to get to know everyone a little, and I look forward to checking out the blogs!
I love this series! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Well I would have never guessed that you were 55! This is such a great series getting to know other bloggers in my age range. I myself am approaching 57 this summer. I’ve been blogging since 2008, i’m a Wig Designer and make wigs for women who suffer from hair loss due to cancer or alopecia, I actually have two blogs, one for wigmaking and one for beauty which is my fav! Looking forward to more post!
Its been so nice meeting so many of you and just beyond anything I’d expected. Thank you Katie for that fantastic idea. Nicole is lovely and one of the most pleasant fellow fashion bloggers I have connected with so far. xo Sabina
It has been really fun to get to know so many versatile bloggers of a certain age. So much to read about all of them. Thank you Katie for creating this series!
Warm Hugs
Thank you Katie for the opportunity to be part of such a great series Between the Lines. It is a wonderful idea and I’m really enjoying meeting others who are taking on the world in midlife.
Katherine, such a fun and interesting group of ladies that I will be visiting with! Thanks for sharing their talents! Instagram is my favorite social media! FB is a love/hate for me…so many rants and passive/aggressive behavior! Blessings, my friend!
I am having more of a love/hate relationship with Facebook these days, too! Great posts this week. Thanks, Katherine!
I’ve always been an avid supporter of debunking the myth of “age appropriate anything”, be it in terms of the clothes we wear or the activities we indulge in or the heights we strive for. And being no Pretty Young Thing myself, Katherine, I firmly believe in encouraging self love, and empowerment. In encouraging the belief that there’s nothing we can’t do
thank you, for starting this series, and shining the spotlight on some really accomplished, amazing women.
Another bunch of FABULOUS ladies…so much talent in blogland.
And I LOVE the new button (It’s now on my sidebar!)
HI Katie! I’m loving this series … I love meeting at the bloggers of a certain age such as myself. I’m sorry you had some drop-outs but I guess that happens. Life will always prevail.
Katie, Once again I am enjoying all of the blogs being shared. Thank you so much for hosting this fun activity. I wanted to comment on Nicole’s blog “High Latitude Style,” but her comments were turned off. I thought I would mention this in case she is not aware. Thanks, and please tell her I liked her blog. Kathi
I love seeing the variety of bloggers in our age group!! This has been so fun Katherine and you are quite the perfect host!!
I’m enjoying this series Katherine! Thank you ladies for being so open and sharing your spirits!
I hope you have a great week!
Good to meet and visit everyone! I am dumb founded that women have dropped out…especially so suddenly. This is such a great series.
As always love getting to know more wonderful bloggers here with this series and thank you for sharing these awesome ladies with us today. Happy Tuesday now, Katie!! xoxo <3