thursday favorite things link party

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  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter. It is always so relaxing to look at the beautiful posts on your blog. I enjoy reading the other blogger’s entries too. So many talented people out there.

  2. Hi Katherine – followed all the posts and read and commented on 2 great posts – #297 – a wonderful watermelon & feta salad and 263 about a foodie’s visit to Charleston! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Just learning about link parties, and I like it! Thanks for hosting, and I’ve already learned some new things!

  4. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. My “kids” are almost 48 and 45!!! How the heck did THAT happen???? Thanks so much for hosting!!

  5. What a beautiful daughter Katherine. Thank you for hosting the link-up and oh my I have enjoyed the Over 50 Series and still trying to go back and read all of them. It’s been a busy month.

  6. Happy Birthday to your daughter! It’s funny how they keep aging but we never do. 😉 Thanks for hosting!

  7. Katherine, it is funny how that works. As we get older sometimes our kids magically get close to our age. LOL! My mom says it best, you switch the digits, ex. she is almost 84 so she is 48. LOL! Thank you for hosting.

  8. Happy birthday to your pretty daughter and many blessings.
    Thank you for hosting this great party.
    Have a lovely rest of the week.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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