between the lines week five

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  1. This is an amazingly creative concept. I am so happy that I found your blog. I would be very pleased if you would consider adding one your blogs to my link up at the Senior Salon which I publish on Wednesdays. The more of us that come to know and share our creativity, the richer the world will be.

  2. What a cool idea for your blog series! As a 50-plus woman blogger, I really enjoy seeing featured women bloggers I can relate to–so inspiring!
    gingerwroot .com

  3. And I forgot to mention in my first comment….did that delay when you go to my blog just happen this morning…or have you always noticed it? It’s the technical difficulties that drive me crazy at times!!! But it’s all good!!

  4. This is such a fantastic idea! Great way to connect and find other bloggers over 50. Looks like I have some blog reading to do.

  5. Katherine—not only has it been fun to meet new bloggers, it’s also nice to see ones I already follow. And to get to know them better!! Thanks so much for doing this fun series!!

  6. Thanks so much for doing this Katherine! I am finding that I already follow a few of these ladies but I am very happy to find more like minded bloggers to follow. 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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