perfect pasta

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  1. Great pasta tips – and your marinara sauce looks wonderful. Thanks for hosting the #ThursdayFavoriteThingsBlogHop!

  2. great! I love making pasta from scratch, in fact, it’s the only way it’s eaten around my house! Making lasagna from scratch is my absolute favorite, it takes a while but the result is so delicious and lasts for so long it’s definitely worth it!

  3. Katie, this was great! I have only one suggestion for people who need to eat gluten-free pasta like I do. Don’t make more than you can eat at one meal! Leftover GF pasta is NOT good at all! It doesn’t have that “spring” in the noodles that regular pasta does even for leftovers and has kind of a grainy consistency.


  4. Thanks for your tips… I thought that pasta had to be rinsed after cooking but I rarely do and know you have explained why and it makes perfect sense!!! I have recently found a recipe to make pasta using pesto and veggies….I’ve made it with red pesto and also green pesto, lots of flavor!! The next time I make it, I would add some crumbled feta (a suggestion offered by my son!).

  5. Katherine ~ LOL ~ “don’t throw the noodles at the wall, even if you’re angry” – BUT IT’S SO FUN!!! 🙂 The only suggestion I have, is that instead of adding salt to the water I add one chicken bouillon cube to the pasta water.

    Hope you’re having a good week! Julia

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