between the lines with katherines corner

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  1. Wonderful series. Just wish I had more free reading time. I love to read food blogs for fun, and mostly stick with literary fiction or non-fiction (psychology or memoir). What’s your favorite reading material? Always looking for recomendations. In case you’re interested, check out my latest post, Colors of Joy Among Top 10 Self-Help Books for Women at

  2. I loved reading all the questions and finding out your answers! Thanks so much for all the work you have done on this series. Its been a blast.

  3. Katherine, this series has been a joy and a curse in many ways I am sure, but thankyou so much for all you’ve done to help us all promote our blogs. I hope that in months to come, that hard work is returned to you many times over. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. Thank you Katie for sharing so much of yourself with us. It was a pleasure to get to know you better. I had no idea you are British. I’m off to check out your shops now. I really appreciate all of the hard work that you have put into this series. It has been phenomenal. And getting to meet so many wonderful ladies has been great. Blogger friendships are the icing on the cake.

  5. Great questions and I loved reading your answers. Thank you so much for all you do for us and I hope our friendship continues to flourish.
    🙂 gwingal

  6. Thank you, thank you for answering our questions and for doing the “Between the Lines” series, Katie! I admire you so much and have very much appreciated your sweet disposition and help with blogging!! Don’t know if I can give 4-5 hours a day or not, but I am sure going to keep trying! Thanks, again, and now take a well deserved rest!

  7. Aww Katie, I really enjoyed reading your answers. I’m a little sad that Between the Lines has concluded I really enjoyed meeting all the blogger my own age. I kinda got the butterfly thing but I thought it was just me as I have a few posts about midlife wherein I use the symbolism of a butterfly lol … I guess I wasn’t the only one that felt that way lol

  8. Thank you so much, Katie for all your thoughtful answers to our questions–so lovely to get to know you even more 🙂 Love and appreciate you for your kind, sweet nature and all the work you put into this series. This “vintage” gal had a great time and made some new friends along the way.

  9. Katie, thanks so much for this series, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each post…and I am definitely over 50! I loved the questions that you answered today, I now feel as if we are personal friends! Hugs and blessings!

  10. “A second life from caterpillar to butterfly” – such a beautiful symbol for this series! Truthfully, I just thought you loved butterflies 🙂 Such great questions from everyone and enjoyed reading your answers, Katherine. A great big THANK YOU and HUG for providing us “seasoned” bloggers with a platform to share our voice! Now it’s time to relax for a bit and run through that sprinkler 🙂

  11. Katie, this was so much fun to read. I learned several things I did not know about you… 🙂 Do you do the original watercolors on your pillows? They are so beautiful! Thanks for hosting this wonderful series!!

  12. If I won the PayPal cash I would go to Macy’s and get myself some new summer sundresses in yellow and oranges with lots of flowers and a big straw hat and umbrella to keep the sun off.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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