kiss and make up with google what to do if your blog or online shopis flagged

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  1. I haven’t seen that flag for your shop and when I type “Katherine’s Corner” in my search bar, I have no flags on your site either. I hope you recover from this easily and quickly. This “Big Brother” routine does get old!!

    1. Thank you, it’s not Katherines Corner. It’s for my Keepsakes by Katherine shop and my Zen Spirit Malas shop. But, thank you so much for caring and for being such a sweet bloggy friend. Hugs!

  2. Happy Sunday, Katie!! And yes I did get SSL certificate last year and I am OK. But I know and understand Google’s logic. But still can be furstrating. Hugs and thanks for sharing xoxo <3

  3. Hi Katherine! Thank you for sharing this. As a new blogger I run into obstacles all the time. Not being a tech-savvy person doesn’t help I have not encountered this problem but will definitely be saving this for when I do! Thank you for sharing

Love each other as God loves you xo

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