laundry day tips for the laundromat

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  1. I remember my grandmother hanging clothes when there was snow on the ground and that she would never switch from a wringer washer to an automatic, I used to help her, even got my arm caught in the wringer once, lucky it didnt break. And then came my turn at the laundermate, one thing was, you got it all done at once. And when I had my first washer. ‘only”, I used the clothesline, loved the fresh smell. But I sure dont miss it! Thanks for reminiscing!!

  2. I am so thankful that I don’t have to use the laundromat in all honesty. Did a handful of times in my youth. so this brought me back. But still just grateful those days are behind me, as well. But thanks for the great tips for those in need. And Happy Tuesday now, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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