easy pea puree spread

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  1. This sounds interesting, Mrs. Katherine. One of these days, I’m going to give it a try. I pinned it to my Gluten Free Recipes board. Periodically, I go through it and pull out stuff to try.

    Did I read that you’re unable to eat onions and garlic? I was doing some research on that and how it relates to IBS type symptoms. I don’t have that but I have noticed a flare of unpleasantness and pain if I eat onions or garlic that are added to anything with water or broth. I’m perfectly okay if I eat either one that is sauteed in olive oil, though. It’s very strange, indeed. I have no intention of giving up onions or garlic but I will be a bit more cautious in the future. I’m certain it has to do with the myriad of side effects, digestive issues, pain, and an extremely low immune system which are all a part of battling endometriosis. 🙁

    I’m excited to give this recipe a try, though. I might add a little bit of rice vinegar to one batch and see how apple cider work in another. Lately, I’ve been on this kick with sesame oil and rice vinegar with a pinch of ginger powder, sea salt, lemon pepper and black pepper kick. It might not be all that amazing to others but I really enjoy it on shredded cabbage. Maybe you might like to try it too. I know you have dietary restrictions and if this works for you it might be a nice thing to try.


  2. I actually loves peas and are one of my favorite veggies. But I honestly never thought about using them to make a dip like here. But now I must try this and seriously thanks Katie for sharing!! xoxo 🙂

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