Spring fever monday inspirations

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  1. Hi there! Hope you are having a good Monday. I’m finishing up the March issue of RUBY and wanted to take a minute to send my love your way. I’ll be sure to share something from your blog in the magazine and invite our readers to stop by for a visit <3 Hugs, Nina

  2. We also had a bit of back and forth weather. Saturday, here it was 65 degrees and did indeed feel like spring. So, much so that we took the girls to the local park to play. But then yesterday it turned very cold and windy, too. However, this week we are supposed to have similar with a few days in the 50s and 60s and then later in the week being colder yet again. But I think spring is definitely trying to pop out when it can and got my fingers crossed that Spring will indeed really be here soon. Happy Monday now, Katie!! xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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