carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

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  1. I have about the same recipe except for some coconut and pineapple added. I also found some carrot cake donuts this morning. Happy Easter!!

  2. This just looks like such a classic recipe! I love all the yummy spices and can’t wait to try it!! Thanks.

  3. Hi Katherine, I have tired this recipe and it is so moist and has such a wonderful flavor, the only problem I have is I just want to eat and eat 🙂 The only thing I have done is use walnuts instead of pecans. Now it s getting cooler I am getting my recipes out and cooking and baking more. I have been wanting to try some homemade bread, I have yeast that needs to be used this month, need to get on it.

    Thanks for sharing your recipe, your photo looks yummy!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Hugs Karren
    PS please stop by and share on our #WW this week.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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